Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Today was PSAT day...everyone should be caught up in your Interactive NB's to Stamp Act Crisis.  Refer to Teeter-Totter Title Page for The American Revolution...we are in "The Cause Phase".  If you missed any Crash Course... make certain you are up to snuff...we have watched Video #6... and have read up Pagaent to p. 128.  You should be able to write a two page ID on the Stamp Act Crisis...facts and significance...i.e. you should REALLY know it!

Here are 15 Events you are responsible for.  Read Pagaent, pp. 128-151...stop at "General Washington at Bay." Print, read and highlight Digital Ch. do not need to answer exercises.  You must include this information in your paper.

Know each or the must place them in correct order on your own:

Stamp Act Crisis
Albany Plan of Union
French & Indian War
Declaration of Independence
1st Continental Congress convenes
2nd Continental Congress convenes

Thomas Paine's Common Sense
Olive Branch Petition
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Intolerable (Coersive Acts)
Lexington & Concord
Bunker Hill
Proclamation Line of 1763

 Takehome Essay #2 Prompt: DUE: Wednesday, Oct. 22 at the start of the class period

"To what extent were the 13 Colonies justified in Declaring Independence from Great Britain in 1776? In your analysis discuss the three (3) causes of the American Revolution as they emerged in the years 1763 to 1776. 

50 Points (a bit different this time)

One-Pager (Title Page) - 30 Points...follow rubric in Survival Packet to the tee!

Essay - Typed -Single-spaced, size 12 font, standard (legal) margins. (10 Points) Same rules apply, citing sources, etc.

AP RUBRIC = 9 Points= Grey Area Thesis...etc.

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