Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Happy Long Weekend (with homework I must say!). Homework: Glue Declaration of Independence questions in your notebook...first available open space...and really answer the questions hard (MCB). Some of you answered questions on your study guides with one word answers...even phrases.  BE SPECIFIC in your answers Advanced Placement students.  THEN...have the takehome essay ready to turn in first thing Monday.  We will have a chat with King George III. The prompt/essay is located in a previous post...better find it in a hurry if you haven't already. The Green "Survival Packets" have been sitting on a stool outside the classroom all day.  Good luck!  P.S. Grades are 100% updated. See you Monday!  G30!

TAKEHOME FRQ (ESSAY/PROMPT): 20 Points Due Monday...

"To what extent had the colonists developed a sense of identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution? Confine your answer to the period 1763-1776."

This essay should be 2 pages in length (hand-written,single-spaced)...5 do not have to type it.  Please write it out in ink...neatly!  Check Survival Packet for Gray-Area Thesis and Rubric for AP Essays!!! 

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