Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Both classes worked hard at their "BANNERS"...finish them tomorrow...and by the end of the period each class will explain their items selected.  Armstrong will hide banner until Exam Day!

Everyone...turn in NB's on Thursday...3rd Hour...during Exam period...7th Hour...drop them off in the room Thursday sometime...that way I can look at them, and you can pick them up on Friday!!

Final Exam:

A. War on Terror...Foreign Policy Report Cards...(50 Points)each of you will explain your analysis of American Foreign Policy after 9/11...the class will come up with an "average" grade...A...B...C...D...or F???? (30 Minutes)

B. All-American ...Red White and Blue..."an crazy American fan!" ...you could bring in U.S.A. signs..EXCEED expectations...go the extra mile!!! (25 Points)

C. Participation: Foreign Policy Debate...(40 Minutes) (25 Points)

Overall evaluation: RUBRIC: Content...Preparation, Organization, and Detail

A= Exceeds the Standard - Exemplary - BGTD

* You consistently provided an excellent explanation of your project in and organized manner.
* The information was very well organized, and you provided more information than expected.
* You spoke with excellent volume and clarity, made eye contact, and effectively used (wore) visual aids and/or props.
* BGTD...was a positive contribution to the project. Could not have succeed without this exemplary effort.

B = Meets the Standard with Quality - Expected - BGTD with a littleMCB

* You provided an accurate, appropriate explanation of your project in an organized manner.
* You provided some detailed descriptions.
* You spoke with good volume and clarity, made eye contact, and used (wore) some visual aids and/or props.
* close...with BGTD...was a contribution to the project...your presence was noted!

C = Inconsistently Meets the Standard - Nearly There - MCB

* You offered only some information about your project and/or was somewhat disorganized.
* You seldom provided detailed descriptions.
* You spoke with inconsistent volume and clarity, seldom made eye contact, and did not effectively use (wear) visual aids and/or props


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